- Laboratory
- Radiological services
If you are a ”State Government Employee, and Employees of authorized Banks, Industrial concerns, please bring your ID card.
If you are diabetic or have any concerns, please contact your doctor before fasting. Please notify us if you have fasted for longer than 10-12 hours as prolonged fasting may affect your results.
Following are the test which require fasting
- FBS,
- Lipid profile
- Triglycerides (indivual test)
It is recommended that this test be performed in the morning (before 10.00 am) and that you follow the instructions below in order for accurate results to be obtained
1. Discuss your medication regime prior to and during the GTT test, with your doctor.
2. If your undergoing GTT for the 1st time please take normal carbohydrate diet for 3days prior to the test.
3. Ideally rest for 30 minutes just prior to the procedure.
4. 8 to 10 hours fasting is required prior to the test. Have no breakfast, tea or coffee BUT water is allowed.
5. On arrival at the lab blood sample is collected in the fasting state. You will then be given 75gms (1gm/kg body weight) of glucose in 200ml of water. Another 4 blood samples are obtained at 30min intervals for a period of 2hours.Corresponding urine sample is also collected
You should remain at the lab till all the samples are obtained.
Before collecting this specimen, please obtain a suitable specimen container from one of our collection centres or from your doctor.
If you find it difficult to pass urine, a nearby tap left running may help.
1. Wash and dry hands thoroughly
2. Pull back foreskin if present. Clean tip of penis with sterile water and cotton swab or gauze (supplied by laboratory or collection centre).
3. Commence passing urine into toilet for about 3 seconds. Bring the collection container into the urine stream and half fill container. To prevent contamination of specimen, do not touch inner surface of container or lid.
4. Finish emptying bladder into toilet.
Clearly label the container with your full name and date of birth, and the date and time the specimen was collected. Take specimen to the laboratory, doctor's surgery or closest collection centre (refer to listed addresses). A request form should accompany the specimen.
It is important that we receive the specimen as soon as possible on the day it is collected. If a delay is unavoidable, refrigerate sample until delivery is possible.
This is best collected on arising in the morning, prior to cleaning your teeth, taking medication or having a drink.
The specimen should be produced by taking a few deep breaths and then coughing as vigorously as possible collecting the sputum into the provided specimen container.
A good plug of sputum is required by the lab - saliva is not acceptable for testing.
Clearly label the container with your full name, age & sex, date and time the specimen was collected. Transport the specimen to the laboratory on the day of collection. A request form should accompany the specimen.
Collect stool (faeces) specimens as instructed by requesting doctor or laboratory staff.
Specimens should not be collected during or within 3 days of a menstrual period. Bleeding haemorrhoids or urinary bleeding may also interfere with results. Excesses of alcohol, aspirin or medications which may cause gastrointestinal irritation should be avoided for at least 48 hours prior to sample collection.
1. Abstain from intercourse and masturbation for 3 days prior to collection.
2. The specimen can be collected at home or in a room provided at the laboratory.
3. The sample should be obtained by masturbation directly into a sterile container provided by the laboratory or doctor's surgery. (Withdrawal is not a satisfactory method because of the possible contamination of the specimen with vaginal cells.)
4. Before collection try to bring the container close to body temperature e.g. by warming the container in the hand.
5. Wash hands and then penis with warm water prior to specimen collection.
6. Do not use a condom or lubricants as they can immobilise the sperm.
7. It is important to get as much of the ejaculate as possible into the container.
Clearly label the container with your full name and date of birth, and the date and time the specimen was collected. Transport the specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection.
Protect the specimen from the cold during transport. Keep it in a coat pocket close to the body. Extremes of temperature can irreversibly affect sperm motility.
A request form should accompany the specimen.
If patent has urinary incontinence then catheterize the bladder & clamp the catheter.
- Early Pregnancy (< 3months) – Full bladder
- Late Pregnancy (> 3months) – Moderately filled bladder
• Clinically tenderness present but sonologically no findings will not rule out possibility of appendicitis.
- Please take prior appointment by calling us on 0821-2424488 or appointments @bhagavanpathalab.com
- Males - Chest hair should be removed.