Histo Pathology

We are the first laboratory, in private sector, in Mysore city to offer services in Histo-pathology.

We earnestly request you to keep in mind the following points while sending the surgical specimen:

  • Throughly wash the specimen in water;
  • Immerse completely the cleaned specimen in 10% Formalin in a proper container;
  • Label the said container with details regarding the name, age,sex of the patient and date of surgical procedure;
  • Importantly, furnish the details of clinical history, relevant findings of the investigations carried so far and also per operative findings.

    If any biopsy was done earlier, the details of the same may please be given.

    The histo-pathological report, in normal circumstanes, will be available in three days from the date of receipt of the specimen.

    We also provide, on request, the report in digital format in CD at nominal extra cost.